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La Resistance Card Game Available

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Schogun writes:

Link is to print-and-play version on Wargame Vault.

Fully printed game is at:

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Wargame Vault writes:

Designed by Mark H. Walker, La Résistance is a simple, yet engaging, dice-and-card game set during the German occupation of France in World War II. During the Occupation, brave French men and women fought against the Nazi conquerors, disrupting their communications, destroying supply warehouses, and ambushing German patrols. La Résistance gives players a chance to lead a band of Resistance fighters, working to keep their men and women alive as they also strive to become the most famous resistance leader.

La Resistance

On each turn, a player will roll six dice, placing the dice on mission cards common to all players. He or she attempts to defeat the mission card by matching dice on the card, spending recruits, and using their Resistance leader's special abilities. To win, a player must amass twelve Glory Points or break – by stealing or otherwise removing all rival Resistance group members – the other resistance bands. La Résistance mixes elements of popular dice games, such as Yahtzee and King of Tokyo, with "take that" card mechanics and player interaction, giving the game a familiar feel.

The game is historically themed, and a great way to introduce gamers to strategy games. Three to five people may play, so La Résistance is great for game nights and family get-togethers. La Résistance is a great strategy game for wargamers and casual strategy gamers alike.

Each game includes:

  • 7 Resistance leader cards to track glory points and band members
  • 35 mission cards, such as Tiger Tank, Foreign Aid or Communications Hub that provide enemies to be neutralized, reinforcements for your troops or a facility to be sabotaged
  • 9 c'est la guerre cards, such as Faulty Intel (steal an opponent's die) or Charismatic (steal a rival's resistance fighter) to upgrade your leader and/or sabotage rival leaders
  • 9 event cards, such as Heavy Casualties, that alter the basic rules for the turn
  • Thick game chits to track Glory Points, casualties, and other special needs
  • a colorful and easy-to-read rules booklet

For more information

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