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Scotia Grendel Productions Relaunch Void1.1

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CmdrKiley writes:

@ Inverse

I consider Urban War is to Void 1.1 like Necromunda is to Warhammer 40k. UW is individual based (there are no squads)game whereas Void 1.1 is a squad based game. UW is much more detailed and tactical than Void. With UW, about 12 models would be alot to play with in a game, wheras Void that's pretty much a single squad. UW and Void do share a few of the same mechanics but UW has a different activation strategy that makes the game a bit more in depth.

@ Venusboys3
Thats the Koralon Spider Tank. It was originally released for Void, but got stuck in the transition from i-Kore to Urban Mammoth. It was part of the new restyled part of Void. Now the restyled Koralon are part of Urban War and the old Koralon are part of Void. Looks like the Spider Tank didn't come over to Urban War because it's basically a vehicle and UW really dosn't do big vehicles like Void does. Even though it's part of the restyled Koralon, it still fits in very well with the looks of the original Koralon hybrids (aka Araktons).

I wonder will Urban Mammoth still uphold their policy of accepting Void minis with the Urban War game.

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Ironmammoth of Scotia Grendel Productions writes:

Scotia Grendel Productions have bought the entire Void1.1 game and figure range from Urban Mammoth.


This does not include any of the Urban War system or figures, which UM retain.

We have put most of the range on our (new look) website. There will be more re-releases over the coming months. These will include many of the figures that have been retired from the range, that we will make available again. Also, there will be new figures that have never been released before.

We hope to have new figures in production for Void later this year.

We are also looking into developing new expansions of the game system, with new rules being made available for PDF download.

Note: We have rushed the implementation of the new website so that we could get the Void range on there (well, we need to start making a return on the investment). At the moment, parts of the website are still in the older style. These will be updated as fast as I can do the coding.

Also, there are very few pictures on the Void pages - this will also change as I get them sorted out.

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