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The Greater Pacific War Project Announced

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CorpCommander writes:

Actually we do have a hypothetical Naval encounter that is part of the official line-up. More details will be revealed later on the website.

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Pete Mancini of The Greater Pacific War Project writes:

I would like to announce the start of a new, massive project. Targeted for Historicon 2006, the team that brought you Operation Market-Garden is planning The Greater Pacific War Project.

The Greater Pacific War Project

The project director is Pete Mancini. Martin Baber is the terrain adviser, Sam Scott is the rules adviser and Pete English is the lead Umpire. Baxter Key of FAA, U.S.A LLC is graciously providing his services as well.

The Greater Pacific War Project figures

What we have planned is not one massive, monolithic game but approximately 10 separate games, all with high quality terrain, well play-tested mechanics and high historical accuracy. The purpose of the project is to tell the whole story of the war from 1931 through 1945, to push the envelope of the art of historical miniature wargaming and to inspire others.


In fact the project is so big we can't do it alone and it will become a community project in which we actively seek out volunteers and industry sponsors to help us complete it.

It's a daunting project, to say the least, but I am confident it can be done. Operation Market Garden was also daunting but, in the end, it was done. The two times it was run were the best wargaming moments of my life. I want anyone who is interested in partaking in our hobby at this level to have the chance to experience the same thing.

In order to communicate about the project, we will be using The Miniatures Page to make major announcements as well as a regular series of Workbench articles. You can follow daily updates on my blog, and there will be set up a website with forums, articles on history, terrain craftsmanship and other aspects of the project. We hope to have the ability to provide you with video as well from both Operation Market Garden and create a documentary on this project as well.

The Greater Pacific War Project figures

They said we were crazy to do Operation Market Garden. They were right. We're still crazy! We hope you will join in the fun and watch this space for exciting updates!

For more information