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New SF Skirmish Game: Level2

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OldGrenadier Fezian writes:

I'd buy me some of those guys in 28mm for sure. I've been thinking of doing some Traveller gaming, and those guys would work for Marines in combat armor.

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Markus Still of Flying Games Spieleverlag writes:

Last month, FlyingGames edited the new tabletop skirmish game Level2.


It's an A4 softcover book with 116 pages including counter sheet and summary sheet. The price is €30.00 EUR.

( €34.00 EUR for Level1 and Level2.)

Level2 is a SF skirmish game in the German language, for all SF miniatures from 28mm to 15mm scale.

The rules cover the tension of ultimate ground combat actions between various factions and races in the year 2222.

It includes rules for robots, cyborgs, androids, vehicles, cannons, bunkers, artillery, orbital drops, secret services, drugs, fires, a broad range of firearms and close-combat weapons, special ammo, equipment, armour and implants.

More rules for gang war campaigns are on the way.

There's a German forum for Level2 here.

Additional News

The first Level2 World Championship will take place on the 27th of March, 2010, at MuRoCon in Mutterstadt (Germany).

We are interested in cooperation with a British company to translate the game into the English language.

For more information