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Victrix French Old Guard & Portuguese Cacadores

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Dutch508 writes:

Early French and hopefully early Austrians!?!? Looks like the 1806 Campaign project will start up after all…


(new morgage just around the corner)

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STEVE LBMS of Victrix Limited writes:

This is a bit of a preview of what is coming up from Victrix early in 2010.

Napoleon's Old Guard Grenadiers

Firstly will be Napoleon's Old Guard Grenadiers. These are due for release in early February. Just finishing the boxes and awaiting test shots for painting at present. These will be a 60-figure set, with march attack, advancing at porte or at charge, and firing line positions. Also drummers, standard bearers, officers, and sergeants porte fannion. The images in the news item are three-up master models, the bases on the finished 28mm figures will be a lot smaller and slimmer than the thick bases shown on the resin castings. Flags and rules are included in the set and will be priced at £19.95 GBP.


Due for release at the end of January are three packs of 28mm metal Portuguese Cacadores. There will be a command pack, a pack armed with rifles, and a pack armed with muskets. These were sculpted by the very talented Paul Hicks. He has done a great job on these, as he does on all our metals. These will be eight-figure packs and will retail at £10.00 GBP per pack.

There are quite a lot of new sets also being worked on at present to be released through early 2010. The British foot artillery are coming on a treat, and we will show the three-up crew in the new year, plus images of the guns and limber. The Old Guard Chasseurs should make an appearance around April-time, along with two new sets of 54mm French - Voltiguers and Grenadiers.

We have started work on Austrians at long last. Should have some photos to show in the next few days. The box will contain 60 figures, and we will be producing Grenadiers and Corsican head variants in one box, and helmets and shakos in another box. Hungarians will follow after these. Can't give a date for their release as yet.

As well as continuing with our Napoleonic releases, we will be releasing our first non-Napoleonic sets in the first quarter of 2010, plus lots more metals are in progress.