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New Austrian Chevauxleger (1792-98) Cavalry from Eureka Miniatures

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A Twiningham writes:

Thrilled to hear dragoons are on the way!

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

We are pleased to announce our 28mm Austrian Chevauxleger for the early to mid Wars of the French Revolution, sculpted by Alan Marsh.

Austrian Chevauxleger

The Austrian Chevauxleger (light cavalry) were first formed between 1758 and 1760, perhaps as a more reliable alternative to the Hussar regiments and the numerous other, often ill-disciplined, irregular light cavalry formations of the mid 18th Century Austrian army. By the start of the Wars of the French Revolution (1792), the Austrians maintained seven Chevauxleger regiments, which saw extensive service. In 1798, they were all re-designated (along with the Dragoon regiments) as "Light Dragoons," but all reverted back to their Chevauxleger identities in 1801.

Austrian cavalry was generally of an excellent quality, being well mounted and trained. At the beginning of the wars, it was more than a match for its opposite number in the French cavalry, who were to take years to recover from the worst effects and deprivations of the French Revolution. However, the fighting prowess of the Austrian mounted arm was to suffer increasingly from a cautious and unimaginative leadership, a situation which became progressively worse right up to the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The cavalry as a whole came to be looked upon as an auxiliary arm to the infantry in the Austrian mindset. Time and again, Chevauxleger, Hussar and Dragoon regiments would be broken down into their traditional two-squadron tactical formations and then detached to shield the flanks of some over-nervous infantry brigade, while the Cuirassier 'elites' languished in reserve formations to the rear. This was an unfortunate waste of the Austrian cavalry's undoubted talents, which on occasion still shone through despite official indifference. When things went wrong for the Austrian army on the battlefield, it is notable how in the written accounts it is often regiments of Chevauxleger and Dragoons who maintain their discipline and make a stand to cover the retreat - while all else is chaos around them.

Our new figures represent the Chevauxleger in the uniform worn at the start of the wars (when they were still a potent force much feared by the French), until the 'Light Dragoon' reorganization of 1798. The figures are available in a choice of 'at rest' or charging poses - and for a bit of fun, Alan Marsh has added some very relaxed (perhaps bored?) Chevauxlegers, scratching their heads and filling pipes while they wait for their lackluster commanders to give them something to attack! Chevauxleger officers wore flat-front tricorne hats, and it seems Austrian light cavalry did not usually carry standards in action (although if we get lots of requests for a Chevauxleger standardbearer, we will consider making one).

Check out our discounted unit deals (see below) to get you started. Most aspiring Austrian tabletop generals will probably want at least two regiments of Chevauxleger in their armies - one wearing the green coat worn by three of the regiments, and another in the white coat of the other four units.

People might like to know we are currently working on Austrian Dragoons to accompany our Chevauxleger figures.

Austrian Chevauxleger

Here are the codes and details for the new figures and details of our special offers.

28mm Austrian Chevauxleger 1792-98

Sculpted by Alan Marsh

100WFR620 - Chevauxleger, at rest, in casquet hat (4)
100WFR621 - Chevauxleger Officer, at rest, in tricorne hat (1)
100WFR622 - Chevauxleger Trumpeter, at rest, in casquet hat (1)
100WFR623 - Chevauxleger, charging, in casquet hat (4)
100WFR624 - Chevauxleger Officer, charging, in tricorne hat (1)
100WFR625 - Chevauxleger Trumpeter, charging, in casquet hat (1)
100WFR626 - Chevauxleger, at ease and relaxing, in casquet hat (4)
100WFR627 - Chevauxleger - wounded (1)

Figures are sold individually unless a set is indicated. The number in parentheses denotes the number of available variants for that product code. Variants are supplied randomly, but Eureka Miniatures will always endeavor to supply a representative sample.

New Release Special Offers

THE "Austrian Chevauxleger - at rest" DEAL

A twelve-figure starter unit of Austrian Chevauxleger, at rest (swords on shoulders), including officer and trumpeter for $60.00 AUD (normally $72.00 AUD)* Plus free casualty figure.

THE "Austrian Chevauxleger - getting stuck in" DEAL

A twelve-figure starter unit of Austrian Chevauxleger, charging, including officer and trumpeter for $60.00 AUD (normally $72.00 AUD)* Plus free casualty figure.

* Excluding shipping (and 'Goods and Services Tax' payable by Australian customers only)

Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.

For more information