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New Company: Imperial Miniatures

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Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Good luck with this venture. There seems to be a revival, or at least seems to me, of interest in 54mm figures for gaming. There is a Yahoo group "Little Wars" devoted to this. Lots of plastics around so good to see more metal figures. Nice paint jobs.

Areas of Interest

19th Century
Toy Gaming

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

IUsedToBeSomeone of Black Hat Miniatures writes:

Imperial Miniatures Logo

I am pleased to announce that I have launched a new toy soldier company, Imperial Miniatures, to sit alongside my existing wargames company, Black Hat Miniatures.

Boer War

I have acquired the Colonial, British in India, and some ordinance ranges that were previously produced by All the Queens Men until Derek Cross's retirement in 2007.

I have access to all of the AQM ranges through a local collector who had bought the entire range, so can produce other figures from AQM.


The figures will be sold painted in toy-soldier-style gloss.

The molds are either in a poor state or not up to the standard I would expect, so I am remaking the majority of them (they also are in a very random order!).

I will be releasing the Colonial and British in India sets, alongside some new sets such as a GS Wagon, 4.7 naval gun, etc., that will complement them.

Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian