I am pleased to announce that I have launched a new toy soldier company, Imperial Miniatures, to sit alongside my existing wargames company, Black Hat Miniatures.

I have acquired the Colonial, British in India, and some ordinance ranges that were previously produced by All the Queens Men until Derek Cross's retirement in 2007.
I have access to all of the AQM ranges through a local collector who had bought the entire range, so can produce other figures from AQM.

The figures will be sold painted in toy-soldier-style gloss.
The molds are either in a poor state or not up to the standard I would expect, so I am remaking the majority of them (they also are in a very random order!).
I will be releasing the Colonial and British in India sets, alongside some new sets such as a GS Wagon, 4.7 naval gun, etc., that will complement them.