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USS Thomas Freeborn Among Latest from Bay Area Yards

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ACWBill writes:

Age of Iron is a really cool "fast play" type of rules. There are many who profess the old Yaquinto board game "Ironclads" converts to miniatures very well but I have no copy. "Smoke on the Water" is good if you liked a more detailed approach. If you just want to play a quick 2-3 hour affair one evening and don't care much about rivet counting then BAPS (Beer and Pretzels) Ironclads are for you.

Areas of Interest

American Civil War
19th Century

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1,898 hits since 23 Jul 2009

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Steve Taylor of Bay Area Yards writes:

We have added the USS Thomas Freeborn

The website has been slightly altered, with the category Riverside Structures replacing Buildings as one of our product ranges. In this newly renamed category, we now offer two riverboat landings - one paved, the other not.

We have yet another gun battery, this one a single-gun battery, plus a observation and signal tower.

There will be additional releases as soon as possible.