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Complete Eureka Miniatures Catalogue Now Available on CD

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shelldrake writes:

You are more than welcome to my old modem Artemis – i wasn't exaggerating about the download speeds. 1 meg would take an hour, and the bigger the file the longer the time taken,
and yes, Australian internet IS in the Dark Ages.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Our new 285-page catalogue is now entering its ninth edition. Comprehensively illustrated with actual size pictures of all our figures and those we produce under licence. We have come a long way from the 4 pages of typed lists that Eureka started out with in 1991, and to show we are not entirely stuck in the 20th Century, the ninth edition of the Compendium Magnificum now comes to you in digital format on a compact disc!

Compendium Magnificum v9.3

Much as we loved our old paper catalogue, its burgeoning size and our frequent release schedule has made it difficult to sustain both in terms of its cost for us to produce, and the final price to you as the customer. The postage costs for this weighty volume in particular were threatening to become prohibitively high. So we decided the inevitable course of action was to produce the new Ninth Edition of the Compendium Magnificum as a compact disc. Much cheaper, and easier to post!

The compact disc contains three PDF files; one covering all our Eureka ranges; another the AB Figures 15/18mm range; and a third dealing with all the other ranges we manufacture under licence – including Grumpy Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures, Museum Miniatures, and GZG. Each of the three sections of the catalogue can be navigated using links embedded in their contents pages. Simply move your cursor over the range you are interested in and click, and that will take you to the page which the product is located on. We have noted a small bug that sometimes means the disc does not take you directly to the contents pages when you access a section of the catalogue. This is easily remedied however by going into the section of the catalogue you want, and then pressing "Home" on your keyboard. This will take you to the first of the contents pages.

As with previous hard-copy editions of our catalogue, the Ninth Edition of the Compendium Magnificum contains detailed black-and-white pictures that are reproduced at actual/life size. If you choose to print off pages of the catalogue from the CD, the big advantage of the actual-size pictures is that they allow you to see exactly what you get, and compare our products for compatibility with the ranges of other manufacturers. We know customers like to do this, so while stocks last, every CD of the Compendium Magnificum we sell will be supplied with a laminated card cover (from our old Eighth Edition catalogue) for you to store your printed pages in.

The comprehensive inclusion of pictures for the figures we produce under licence will be especially welcome to those who get a little frustrated with the limited number of pictures on our website for these ranges. Limitations in bandwidth make it difficult to illustrate everything on our website, but the CD Catalogue lavishly illustrates everything we make – not just the Eureka and AB Figures ranges. The CD also includes all the pricing and postage information you will need.

The Ninth Edition of the Compendium Magnificum costs $10.00 AUD* including case, card cover for hard copy, and free postage anywhere in the World.

* Australian customers must add 10% 'Goods and Services Tax'


The Compendium Magnificum will be updated at roughly half yearly intervals, but our regular customers will not have to necessarily keep buying a revised copy just to keep up with what we are doing, because from now on all orders over $150.00 AUD* will automatically receive a free copy of the latest version.

* Excluding shipping (and 'Goods and Services Tax' payable by Australian customers only)

Customers who bought our old Eighth Compendium Magnificum are also eligible to receive a free copy of the new CD catalogue. Contact us directly via the Eureka website with your details to qualify for this offer.

The CD catalogue can also be ordered (not including the laminated card cover) in the U.K. from Fighting 15s and in the U.S.A. from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. Customers outside of Australia should note that in most cases they will only be able to order from the Eureka Miniatures and AB Figures sections of the catalogue.

For more information