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Battlefield Evolution February Releases

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TankGuy writes:

1/65 is going to appear too small for 28mm figures (which I think are 1/64) especially if the 28mm is on a plastic slotta type stand.

I think I used 1.8m for a 6 foot tall person which is supposed to be from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head. 1800mm/65 = 27.7mm 1800mm/64=28.02mm. 1.8x39.36= 70.8480 inches or 5'10". Hmmm. A little shorter then I remember.

GZG vehicles appear to be 25mm, almost 20mm in scale, or at least the crewmen I have for the SLAMMER vehicles are. This would make them closer to 1/65 then 1/56, although I can crew the Combat Cars with GW's plastic CADIAN figures. The hover jeep is pretty small. I would think these vehicles would match the GZG figures.

Of course, I use 1/48 vehicles mostly, so 1/65 isn't going to do it. Luckily, I have several of the Chinese T-80U tanks almost in that scale and what isn't in 1/48 I can get in 1/56 which is a lot closer to 1/48 then 1/65. Close enough that if I pick the models right, it will be hard to tell. A good example is I bought 2 1/56 BMD-1 which is a very small Russian tracked vehicle, so looking small next to a 1/48 T80U won't be out of place. I have two 1/56 M2A4 WW2 USMC Stuarts and a 1/48 M5A1 in the mail – comparing them will be interesting.


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MongooseMatt of Mongoose Publishing writes:

The first of February's releases for Battlefield Evolution are now on our site as previews - the Chinese PLA's WZ-551 and the U.S.MC's Shadow RST-V.

PLA WZ-551

Next week, we are hoping to receive the first copies of the MEA Technicals and Fedayeen Squad, and the British Army Command Section and Warrior.


All these models come pre-painted as shown on the site, along with the core rules of Battlefield Evolution (the latter of which can be found in this month's Signs & Portents, available for free download from our site).

For more information