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PicoArmor Features Oddzial Osmy 3mm Range at Little Wars [IL]

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Who asked this joker writes:

I saw these at Cold Wars and would have bought samples. My eyes are just too bad now. I really could not see them clearly. They, otherwise, would look fabulous I am sure.

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World War Two on the Land
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John Siewenie of PicoArmor writes:

ACW regimental line

PicoArmor will have SPC 3mm buildings and Oddzial Osmy 3mm Modern, WWII, and American Civil War miniatures on display and available for sale at Little Wars, April 8th-10th. This three-day convention is being held at The Pheasant Run Resorts' DuPage Expo Center - St Charles, Illinois.

Ju-52/3M Tante Ju

We will be able to accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

For more information