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New 28mm Releases: VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows

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347 hits since 24 Jan 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP of Alternative Armies writes:

In two serried ranks they stood opposed. Each surprised by the other. One of mortal Men in bright tunics and ruddy complexions and the other of men who had once been; now silent as soil. With a raised arm officers ordered the preparation to fire. Truly the mortal men worked their windlasses and readied their crossbows much faster than the bare bones animated by magicks whom they faced. By the time the Undead had readied their own crossbows the triumphant Men pulled their iron triggers and a flight of bolts struck all along the skeletal soldiers. But such is the way of things as their bolts almost all passed through the gaps in bones felling only a few animated dead. In horror the Men hesitated, their hearts heavy, before training caught them and they began in desperation to reload their crossbows. A skeletal arm fell and the bolts of the dead all hid themselves easily in warm flesh…
Skeleton Crossbows

Our last new release this month is one from our 'asked for' list. That is, it is by customer contacts, as we create the codes most requested in each of our many ranges and scales. We present VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows – five poses added to our 28mm Undead Legions range. These are an excellent counterpoint to our original 1990s VNT14 Skeleton Archers. You can have them as singles, or as a pack with a built-in saving (as all packs have). Here, they are preparing to put bolts through a pair of adventurers – FL22-07 Female Thief and FL22-05 Female Halfling – from our Adventurers and Wizards range.

VNT63 – Skeleton Crossbows

Skeleton Crossbows

Five different metal miniatures, which are supplied unpainted and without a base (shown on our 59021 Resin 25mm Square Bases). Sculpted by Sam Croes.

Human Hirelings

Foes for the walking dead? Certainly. See FL30 Human Hirelings in our 28mm Knights and Footsoldiers range. Four well-armed and armored men to defend your settlement.


January Joy is on until 6th February. You can save 50% off three codes, one of which is HOTR05 Trolls, a 15mm fantasy resin sprue for any system. See our Deals and Offers page.

Hear, See and Speak no Good

Hear, See and Speak no Good… according to Necromancers. Three new 28mm skeletons, totally free and included automatically in every order shipped until 6th February. See the article for details of these fun bone guys, which have many uses.

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