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Architects of War Launches American Frontier Terrain Line

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pilum40 writes:

Will y'all scale these buildings up to 54mm for we gamers of the "only True Scale"? I'd pay for them. My thinking is why skimp on terrain if one is doing a 54mm game! Drop me a line off TMP if interested in a commission. Thanks!
Steve Miller
DFW Irregulars
pilum40 at

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4,828 hits since 26 Aug 2012

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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ArchitectsofWar of Architects of War writes:

Architects of War is pleased to announce the first two buildings in our new range of French and Indian War terrain line: the American Frontier.

Block House

This fantastic new line of terrain is perfect for Muskets and Tomahawks and many other games of this period. The buildings are 28mm scale and lavishly detailed!

Log Cabin

Both kits are $30.00 USD each, and available to order now!

For more information