I've got some sets (probably plenty) of these China Sailor 15mm figs, inspired by The Sand Pebbles. Right now, I only have the bottom two rows, 13 figures, cast up. If anybody wants these now, you can buy them. That's four U.S. sailors, including the second (improved) version of the sailor with axe, and nine Chinese student militia.

I won't have the rest of these available until sometime after I get back from overseas in early 2012. Sorry. If you want these now, and maybe the only chance, they're $13.00 USD shipped to U.S.A., $16.00 USD shipped elsewhere. PM me or write to regimentgames@yahoo.com with questions, or just PayPal that email with a note about what you want. I am not putting these on the Regiment Games website.
If you want some of these along with a regular order, include a message and you can have them for $2 USD less since you will be paying the usual S&H charge.
So, yes, this line is not complete yet, but I do have the masters for more sailors and Chinese, and so I am offering what I have in case anybody wants them now. The rest of the line should come available in 2012.