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Brigade Games: Historicon Preview III

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ComradeCommissar writes:

These look really cool, gnome Romans!


Areas of Interest

18th Century
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land
World War Two in the Air
Science Fiction

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3,917 hits since 5 Jul 2011

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo BrigadeGames Sponsoring Member of TMP of Brigade Games writes:

Our third set of new 28mm releases for Historicon (July 7-10)

At Historicon, our booth is the first booth on the right as you enter the Exhibition Hall.

These are also now in the webstore, but orders will ship starting on our return on July 11.

Additions to our Gnome Wars range:

Gnoman Empire Centurion

Gnoman Empire Centurion
Gnoman Empire Decurion
Gnoman Empire Musician
Gnoman Empire Standard Bearer
Gnoman Empire Legionary
Gnoman Empire Ballista and Crew

And, at long last, we are also releasing the Gnome Wars 2.0 rules.

Gnoman Empire Musician

New releases are also listed in our blog on our site: (the blog link is in the top menu).

If you are going to Historicon, be sure to stop by and say 'hello'. The usual crew of Bruce of Company B, Bob Charrette of Parroom Enterprises, Jeff and Dave of Battle Works, my teenage sons and I will be on hand. We can answer any questions and show you the items from Brigade Games, Parroom Enterprises, Company B, Rattrap, Artizan, Great War, JTFM, AGN, Musketeer, Sloppy Jalopy, North Star and lots of new zombies, Iron Ivan, SkirmishCampaigns, Chris Peer's rules, and the new Gaslight Compendium.