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Pirated 15mm Napoleonic Figures Reported

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4,174 hits since 24 Oct 2004

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Michael Hickling of AB Figures writes:

WARNING! Pirated 15mm Napoleonic 'AB Figures'

It has come to our notice that at least one person bought a bag of unpainted 15mm Napoleonic castings purporting to be 'AB Figures' from a trader (whom we cannot name at the moment for legal reasons) at Colours Wargames Show this year. The figures have been examined by us and we can positively confirm that they are pirated. The quality is abysmal and they can easily be distinguished from the genuine article by comparison with the original.

Unpainted castings of 'AB Figures' are only available from AB Figures, U.K. and Eureka Miniatures, Australia. (Bull Models are our official representatives for WWII only at some shows in the U.K. - details on our website.) PMC sell genuine painted AB Figures.

As far as we are aware, no other trader should be selling painted or unpainted AB castings. Should any be offered for sale, please examine the quality and, if in any doubt, contact us as soon as possible. A reward will be given for any information leading to the successful prosecution of the person responsible.

Other manufacturers, beware! If you have any concerns, please contact us direct for further details.