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Warfare in the Age of Reason

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Andrew Walter's Franklin's Sea

Entry #1 in Scale Creep's Scavengers Design Contest - a complete 18th Century Fantasy game you can play on your refrigerator.

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The Simtac Tour

The Editor is invited to tour the factory of Simtac, a U.S. manufacturer of figures in nearly all periods, scales, and genres.

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165 hits since 25 Mar 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo The Badger Sponsoring Member of TMP of Badger Games LLC writes:

Old Guard

Are you headed to Milwaukee for AdeptiCon 2025?

Old Guard

Take a break from your gaming and check out Old Guard Games in Milwaukee. They are just minutes from the Baird Center.

Old Guard

Old Guard Games is more than 4,000 square feet of every kind of miniature and game imaginable. They also have an additional 4,000 square feet of gaming space.

Old Guard

They are so excited that AdeptiCon is in Milwaukee, and want to show off the store to the dedicated AdeptiCon community. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, they will be running an hourly shuttle back and forth between Old Guard and the convention center.

Old Guard

They will also be offering a 10% discount to anyone presenting their AdeptiCon badge on anything in the store. Coming to the con in costume? Wear it to Old Guard and get an additional 10% off!

Old Guard

They are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Old Guard

For more information