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ZombieSmith: Songs of Our Ancestors

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Surferdude writes:

Hee hee – Jason, its me, Rich J – added it as people were asking me elsewhere if it was worth getting SOA instead of FL for the layout etc, they didn't realise it wasn't the full rules etc.

Rich J

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headzombie of ZombieSmith writes:

Songs of Our Ancestors

Songs of Our Ancestors

110 pages, full color, softcover

Based on Flying Lead by Ganesha Games

To Battle! To Glory! To Song!

The trumpet is sounding "To Arms! To Arms!"
And heartfelt the anthem prolong!
Oh, gather the Catrawd and let them go forth!
To Battle! To Glory! To Song!

The Long War has entered a new phase. Decisive battles are now won by a handful of rhyflers fighting for freedom, king, or home. Based on Flying Lead and Song of Blades and Heroes, this book provides rules for fighting smaller skirmish actions between the might of Alykinder's Crusade, the strength of the Coftyran Crymuster, and the elusive Partisans of Elghmore.


With only 5 to 15 rhyflers per side, commanders can lead several smaller conflicts within a shorter amount of time. Individual rhyflers live or die by their choices as Yawdryls and is-Caertens keep the group moving toward their objective. With the support of Cavalry and heavy weapon teams, a bold Caerten may lead his charges to victory whether they fight for their freedom, their king, or their home.

Gather your rhyflers, fight for your cause, and join your squad in singing the Songs of Our Ancestors!

SoOA will also be available this week in PDF format from Ganesha Games.

For more information