ACW Hard-Plastic Cavalry are now available!

We are pleased to announce we now have the ACW Plastic Cavalry, as quite a few people who attended Salute verify!

Each box contains 12 mounted cavalrymen, 12 separate forage caps, 12 separate slouch hats, 12 separate carbines, 12 sword arms, 6 pistol arms, and enough parts to create 0-3 commands. Boxes also contains 2 Union guidons, 2 Confederate guidons, and a set of simple rules.
ACW 2 - £12.00 GBP

Jim Bowen has painted up a box as Union and another as Confederate (shown here). In the background, you can see some of the metal dismounted cavalry and horse holders.

Many thanks to the customers for their support, which was literally overwhelming most of the day - we were very surprised and delighted by the response from the public to the plastic figures. We had an excellent day! Thanks also to the organisers for a very smooth-running event, it being our first Salute attending as traders and exhibitors... I don't think it'll be our last!
Jim Bowen, Dave Woodward, Chris Adcock, El Mercenario (and ourselves) managed to paint about 600 figures in a very short time for the demo game, a big 'thank you' to them too....unfortunately we forgot to take any photos... doh!
Shortly we'll be putting up the list of the first nine metal codes for the range.