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Old Glory & The Magnificent Little Soldier Company Announce New 10mm Range

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randy novotny writes:

Please! Please! Do some Eastern European and Ottoman Turks for this period.

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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP of Merrimack Miniatures/Old Glory Shipyard writes:

We have just released a great new 10mm High Medieval and Early Renaissance range (1400-1500)!

Mounted Knights - Unarmoured Horses

This new range covers the period from the late 14th century to the late 15th century in Western Europe. Miniatures for the Hundred Years War, The Wars of the Roses, The Swiss Burgundian War, The Anglo-Scottish Wars, and Armies of the Low Countries and Italy can all be found in this range.


Many troop types can be used for numerous ranges, such as longbowmen and crossbowmen who serve in many different armies - as do most of the Mounted Knights.

At last – the great battles of the Medieval World are in your grasp in Magnificent 10mm!

For more information