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Wargames Factory: Now Accepting Plastic Orc Pre-Orders

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Shadyt writes:

I also don't like the shields or some of the weapons. This will not stop me from buying them. I will use weapons and shields from other companies.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Fifty4 of Wargames Factory writes:

Our very first fantasy set - part of our new Myths & Legends range - is almost with us!


We wanted to start our fantasy range off with a "bang" (or should that be "clang"?) - so of course we chose the most iconic of all fantasy races - Orcs!

The Orc Warband set features 24 hard-plastic multi-part figures designed to give you ultimate customization. Separate torsos and legs - the torsos are even reversible! - and absolutely loads of weapons, arms, and heads let you outfit your Orcsies with all the pointy objects they can handle!

Orcs sprue

The first load of sprues are docking in Boston this week - and we're working on the box now - so we're not too far off from release. We'll have a hard date soon. In the meantime, to kick things off, we have a couple great pre-release special offers for those of you who want to get a big jump on building a huge Orc army!

For more information