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Six New Dark Sword Releases

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blackscribe writes:

When you're a samurai guinea pig you see all of your problems as a series of carrots or edamame.

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Jim Ludwig of Dark Sword Miniatures Inc. writes:

Hello to my fellow TMP Readers!

We have another update for you this week, with another six blister packs added to our New Releases in our online store. This brings it to twelve new releases in these past couple of weeks and 29 new releases in the last three months, which is pretty big for a small company like Dark Sword!

This week, we have the following new releases:

1. Guinea Pig Samurai

Guinea Pig Samurai Sculpted by Dave Summers

Finished concept art by Des Hanley.

Guinea Pig Samurai artwork

(If you dig our Frogs, you will love this piece.)

2. Frog Wizard

Frog Wizard Sculpted by Dave Summers

3. Frog Master of the Hunt

Frog Master of the Hunt

4. Frog Dragon Slayer

Frog Dragon Slayer

5. Frog Master of the Shrews with 2 Combat Shrews

Frog Master of the Shrews

6. Combat Shrews x 2

Combat Shrews

(If you want more Shrews or want them on their own.)

So check out the site - and read up on the Guinea Pig Samurai, so you can see a fun new direction we are taking with our critters line as we expand out past the Frogs.

Warm Regards!

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