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15mm Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers from Eureka Miniatures

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Thunderstroke writes:

I can attest, as having some of the old line, they are very cool; and these are even better.

I can't say enough about how good Nic is, and how well-done is Mike Broadbent's sculpting. (Mike is also very considerate and responsive, traits not shared by many people with his particular level of talent.)

Let me also add that the US arm of Eureka has lived up to the high marks set by Nic and his crew down under; I had a lot of experience with orders from Eureka when the only way to get their stuff was direct or through Ground Zero Games in the UK, and the US operation has not disappointed me.

And finally, looking at these photos, I think any of us who game sci fi in 15mm would have to agree; these Stormtroopers cry out to be fashioned into a StarGrunt II platoon, yes? :)

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Many moons ago, our original range of 15mm Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers were the first project to see the light of day under the 300 Club - part of our customer-driven, custom miniatures service.

The 100 and 300 Clubs have gone from strength to strength, and many other projects have come and gone since then, but occasionally we check back through our back catalogue and review some of these old ranges with a view to possible improvements and expansion beyond the original customer request.

15mm has become a popular miniatures size amongst Sci-Fi gamers and, although the original Eureka Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper 'range' consisted of just the one (four variant) figure, we recently noticed a mini-surge in orders for them. This quickly got us thinking we could offer our customers a whole lot more - so sculptor Mike Broadbent was duly commissioned to give our Sci-Fi Germans a bit of an upgrade.

15mm Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers

The basic Stormtroopers have therefore been expanded from four to seven different variants, so that - when further augmented with command and support weapons - you can now build squads where no two figures need be the same. The new command figures include an officer and communications specialist, and the support weapons offer plenty of tasty options. There is of course the essential Section/Squad Automatic Weapon, but there is also a 'flamer', a Light Anti-Armor Weapon (shoulder launched), and a formidable looking Auto Cannon to choose from. We now think our Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers are ready for anything!

15mm Sci-Fi German Stormtroopers

Here are the codes and details for the new figures:

15mm Science-Fiction Infantry: Germans

Sculpted by Mike Broadbent

300SCI01 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper with assault rifle (7)
300SCI02 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper with Section Automatic Weapon SAW (1)
300SCI03 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper Officer (1)
300SCI04 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper with 'flamer' (1)
300SCI05 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper team with Light Anti-Armor Weapon LAW (1)
300SCI06 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper with Auto Cannon (1)
300SCI07 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper Sniper (1)
300SCI08 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper Spotter (1)
300SCI09 - Sci-Fi German Stormtrooper comms (1)

Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.

For more information