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Command Horizon: The Worms Are Coming

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Mike Hardy writes:

*wishes they were in 10 & 15mm*

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Peter Berry of Baccus 6mm writes:

Time for a quick update of what will be happening with the Command Horizon ranges this year!

Accessory packs now available

Firstly, there is a new release. The first of the accessory packs for the Human Skim and Aerospace fighters is now available, enabling you to add extra armament to your models. Igor's already equipped a couple of units with them.

Accessory packs now available

The New Year seems to have kicked in several dormant circuits in Igor's brain as he has been tied to his keyboard feverishly working away on updating the Command Horizon rules, and a new version is not far away now.

This year, we will continue to expand both the Human and the Centaur ranges. Both will get more infantry variants, combat engineers and aerospace craft. There are also some very nice larger models for both races on the design bench, so be prepared for some spectacular additions later in the year. 2008 will also see us add the third race to the range. For all you fans of things that slither, the Worms are coming.

We'll be attending both the Vapnartak show in York on February 3rd and the Hammerhead SF and Fantasy show in Newark on February 10th. If you want to place any pre-orders, please do get in touch. If you want to ask any more questions about what we've got planned, come and have a chat.
