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Nine New Quar

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Lowtardog writes:

Yup as a confirmed British partaker of the Quar, you are Quids in with the Quar

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1,817 hits since 11 Oct 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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headzombie of ZombieSmith writes:

This month, we have nine new Quar - eight of them sculpted by Aaron Brown, and one by Tom De Wulf. As always, painted by Anthony Brown.


We have six new Partisans/Militia (also available individually).

Crusader cook

A Crusader Cook, who will be included with the Crusader Company Command team as well, going forward.

The Lawgiver

Ehn'k'du the Law-giver, a famous Quar from antiquity.

Coftyran Syrnol

And a Coftyran Syrnol from special guest sculptor Lord Wriggly (Tom De Wulf)!

For more information