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Copplestone Reveals New Range

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alessandro writes:

Great range for a refined choice. Same opinion of BravoX

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Mark Copplestone of Copplestone Castings announces:


Our new range - available online by mid-April - is:


Armies and Enemies of Louis XIV 1665-1680 - despite strange rumours floating around cyberspace, this is a straight historical range.

At Salute, we'll have preview packs of:

  • English Armoured Pikemen, Universal (for English, Dutch, German, etc.) Musketeers (firing and at the ready), Unarmoured Pikeman, officers, standard-bearers and drummers.
  • French Musketeers (firing and at the ready), French Armoured Pikemen and French officers, standard-bearers and drummers.

The musketeers and pikemen will be in packs of four - the command figures will be available at Salute as single figures. We'll also have steel wire pikes in packs of 20.

Have a look at the first pics of the new range:

GoTS French
GoTS universal figures

Not everything is in full production yet, so numbers of some packs are limited - sorry.

Cavalry packs should appear by early May.


I've persuaded Richard Kemp to cast up a few of his discontinued RCW-era armoured trains for the show - but no more than four or five.


We'll have three new highly-detailed resin room sets - a Medical Examination Room, a general-purpose Laboratory, a Hi-Tech Lab, as well as a couple of openable Bio-Hazard Doors. Good for all kinds of near-future, SF or modern-horror settings.


We'll have a new range of smaller dinosaurs and maybe a few big ones (taken over from HLBS) - most of the old range will be discontinued.