For the many fans of the beautiful 18mm figures by Eureka for the Mexican-American War, TVAG wishes to let them know that they no longer need to scrounge or "fake" their unit flags.

Prepared by the original designer of the Mexican War Flags Collection, Eric Cox, these are the same highest quality flags and standards as the originals in 15mm and 25/28mm.
Only after a year's research with help of the staff at the West Point Library, Library of Congress, numerous state historical societies, and Mexican sources previously unavailable, Eric was finally able to offer the most authentic and complete collection of flags for wargamers and dioramists to date.

Pending requests from customers, TVAG is waiting to offer the same full collection of Mexican, U.S., and U.S. Volunteer flags and standards in 6mm, 20mm, and specific items in 54mm.
Please visit TVAG's Mexican War Flags Collection page to see for yourself and read more about them.