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Technical Issues at Tor Gaming R&D Site

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Micman Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Love the picture, I am going to use it for a desktop background at work for a while.

I find talking to a machine while working on good for both the tech and the user. ( well it is might not be considered talking )

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Gavin of Tor Gaming writes:

We had a few issues with our R&D site, resulting in a bit of downtime as we tried to fix it. (Darn computer whatsits...)

Technical issues

As such, we have lost some content!! We are working on restoring it and hope to have it completed by tonight.

As part of this, we have decided to turn off the comments feature, as this is where we have lost data that we can't restore. But, to make up for it, we are deploying a forum to the site instead, and that will be live soon.

Once we have it all back to normal, we will be posting some more concept art, too!!

For more information