We are very pleased to bring you a line of 15mm Sarmatians, sculpted by Tony Aldrich.

These fiercely charging nomads emerged from Central Asia to carve out domains in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Alans, a closely related people, though handsome , followed in their wake, and were described by some sources as wearing a type of pointed cap; later they were part of the great wanderings of the peoples at the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and fought both for and against the Romans at this late point.
Some of these horse warriors wore scale armour of metal or horn, many poorer men (perhaps even most) wearing instead quilted or leather armour. These men fought with a lance, used two-handed. Some had no armour at all, being instead horse archers.
Though the brilliance of the Sarmatian and Alan armies lay in the reckless courage of their cavalry, these armies often contained large numbers of infantry as well, either Sarmatian or perhaps conquered subjects (their origin is not certain).

Many of the exclusively Alan models have the Skyth cap (and many thanks to Mr. Duncan Head for helping to determine what that might have looked like). While this may have been a mark of the Alans, there's no reason not to mix "Alan" and "Sarmatian" packs for the armies of either, perhaps using more Alan codes for an Alan army and more Sarmatian codes for a Sarmatian army.
This line is also suitable for Early Bosporan Kingdom troops, until Roman influence began to be felt in the appearance of the soldiery. A special set of models for later Bosporan armoured infantry are almost available!
Note that the leather/quilt armoured medium lancers would be perfect for Lh(S) in DBMM.