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New Mexican-American War Flags, Now in 40mm, From TVAG

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DinOfBattle2 writes:

I hear you Patrick, however I'm near desperation on getting them. So … I've been collecting artwork in an attempt to create my own. We shall see what happens.

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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

Mexican War Flags Collection

After frustrating delays, we can finally advise all those interested in the Mexican War that the overdue replication of the entire collection, Yanqui and Mexicaner, in 40mm is now complete and ready for purchase.

Still priced at only $15.00 USD per set in the original scales of 15mm, 18mm, and 25:28mm, these 40mm offerings are as sharp, clean, and historically accurate as all the others.

Two Sample Mexican Flags

Better still, a new supplementary set of recently confirmed Mexican Battalion flags has now been added, and is available in all scales as well. This third set for the Mexican Army, 1846-1848, is bargain priced befitting its smaller number of additions.

The definitive collection of flags for all units (save some possibly unknowable number of U.S. Volunteers) is ready for immediate delivery as PDF files for self-printing.

To see for yourself, amble over to their page here.

And Yes!, the next expansion will provide all the same flags for use with 6mm scale! The Yanks are already done, and the Mexican Army is next!


Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian