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New Perry Range: Choson Korean Army

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Genesteeler writes:

Hawley is a fine resource. I highly recommend both Turnbull and Hawley.

After this I can't wait for Brian Bradford to release an Imjin War supplement for Killer Katanas. grin

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Alan Perry of Perry Miniatures writes:

Here's the first part of this month's release (the next part will follow shortly). By the weekend, we hope to have them all fully photographed on the site.

Choson Korean Army 1592-1598

28mm figures designed by Alan Perry

KOR 1 and 4 - Guerrillas charging

In 1592, Japan invaded Korea with the expectation of an easy victory which would create a pathway though to their main goal, China. But it wasn't going to be that easy. After a bloody war, Korea was occupied, stalling Japan's advance into China. A second invasion force was sent to Korea in 1597, but this was eventually beaten by the combined forces of Korea and Ming China.

KOR 1 - Guerrilla mounted command

This range is designed to be used with our Age of Wars Samurai range.

KOR 7 and 8 - archers with command

For further reading, the main books in English concerning the war are Stephen Turnbull's Samurai Invasion by Cassell & Co. and The Imjin War: Japan's Sixteenth-Century Invasion of Korea and Attempt to Conquer China by Samuel Hawley, published by the Royal Asiatic Society-Korea Branch (November 30, 2005), 664 pages, ISBN: 8995442425.

KOR 5 and 6 - charging infantry

KOR 1 - Guerrilla mounted Command (Kwak Chae-u, the monk leader Yonggyu and a mounted sub commander) £7.50 GBP
KOR 2 - Mounted Commanders (Kwon Yul, Cho Hon, Yi Pok-nam) £7.50 GBP
KOR 3 - Guerrilla command charging £6.00 GBP
KOR 4 - Guerrillas charging (4 polearms and 2 hand weapons) £7.50 GBP
KOR 5 - Regular infantry command charging £6.00 GBP
KOR 6 - Regular infantry charging £6.00 GBP
KOR 7 - Regular infantry command standing £6.00 GBP
KOR 8 - Regular archers shooting, knocking arrows etc £6.00 GBP