We are very pleased to make available the mighty Eastern Islamic Armoured War Elephant! This huge beast, beautifully sculpted by Sandra Garrity, will be the centerpiece of your armies.

While crafted specially for the Khurasanians and Ghaznavids, the elephant, and even the crew, should do quite nicely for armies as early as Sassanid or late as Timurid or even Mughal!
The model comes with two separate trunks - curled up (shown) and curling toward underside, for variety; and further to that, the head is slightly posable. It also comes with a full crew of a mahout, an archer (shooting down), and a spearman - and the spearmen have head variants.

This means that the Khurasanian/Ghaznavid/Buyid line is now complete. In the works now are Western troops (Arab as opposed to Turco-Iranian) to expand these armies, as well as to build Umayyad, Abbasid and Muslim Indian armies of the 8-11 centuries.
The delivery of this model means that we can also make available four new DBA army sets:
- Samanid Khurasanian, III/43(c)
- Early Ghaznavid, III/63(a)
- Buyid and other Dailami Dynasties, III/57(c)
- Dailami Tribal Rebels, III/57(b)
Each of these is all-options.