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Victrix: New October Releases

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Steve575 writes:

I second lord Hill. Victrix make really great figures. I am looking forward to plastic french artillery !
When will you guys make some cavalry? I know much has been done by the Perry's but there is more that hasn't been done yet!

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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STEVE LBMS of Victrix Limited writes:

Victrix news

We are really pleased to announce the release of our 54mm resin French Napoleonic Foot Artillery, 54mm resin British Light Battalion heads pack, and our new 28mm resin British Peninsular War ensigns and officers. These, along with the 54mm French Napoleonic standardbearers we released a month ago, are the beginnings of a resin range we intend to produce to complement our 54mm and 28mm plastic boxed sets.

The detail is crisp and sharp, and the resin is light and very flexible (more so than plastic in some respects, allowing a bit more forgiveness for clumsy fingers!). You can glue the resin with superglue. If you are gluing to metal or plastic, use superglue also.

54mm French artillery

The 54mm French Napoleonic foot artillery is an 8-pounder Gribeauval with five crew figures. The whole set is full of great detail and character, and will look fabulous on your gaming table or display cabinet. This set is priced at only £44.95 GBP (you will be hard pressed to find 54mm artillery models of this quality for this price).

British Light Battalion heads

Next we have the 54mm resin British Light Battalion heads pack. This pack contains 16 heads (two of each head displayed), giving you enough to convert a whole box of Victrix 54mm British flank company to Light Battalions such as the famous 51st, 52nd and 45th, to name a few. The pack is priced at only £8.00 GBP.

(To round off your British Light battalion, you could look at buying the British Light battalion officer and sergeant pack we released recently.)

28mm British ensigns and officers

Lastly,, we have our new pack of 28mm resin British Peninsular War ensigns and officers. We created this pack to give you a really characterful look to your British battalions. Figures with bandaged heads, waving hands, holding hats, and carrying haversacks for more of a campaign look will add even more individuality to your Victrix plastic sets. Also remember that this resin is really easy to cut, so you can convert these figures very easily with plastic parts from other figure sets. This set of eight highly detailed miniatures is priced at only £9.00 GBP.

And don't forget, we are a running 25% off all plastic sets at present until November. So now is a great time to get some early Christmas shopping in for yourself! Or a friend...