Perry Miniatures 28mm Plastic Napoleonic British Line Infantry

These are literally the first shots of the Napoleonic British Line Infantry frame, command frame to follow shortly. One quarter of the frame is being finished as we type, but we thought we would show you the contents of the whole sprue, as well as a close-up.

A big thanks to Terry and his team at Renedra for working their s off to hit the deadline!
The two pictures of the assembled figures from the sprue show the two campaigns the box covers, Waterloo and Peninsular. Obviously there are enough heads and officer's coat-tails to equip the entire box contents for either theatre (flank companies included). Don't forget there are also a company of four Riflemen, as well as the 36 Line Infantry..... oh, and unit bases.... oh, and flags...... oh, and uniform guides... er, I think that's it?

The first time these will be available will be at Salute, 28th March, from our stand. We have a small problem with our PC at the moment and you might have noticed the secure page is down, but this should be fixed by the end of this week, so please bear with us!
We'll put up the command sprue when it arrives.
You can pre-order at the end of the week, if you can't make it to Salute.
Price: £15.00 GBP