Blue Moon Manufacturing is pleased to announce that the first four codes in our 15/18mm Zulu Wars range are finished and ready to go. We will have these new packs with us at Historicon, so stop in and check them out.
15ZCZ-01 - Married Zulus Attacking (30 figs and 30 shields) - $17.50 USD
15ZCZ-02 - Unmarried Zulus Charging (30 figs and 30 shields) - $17.50 USD
15ZCB-02 - British Infantry Firing Line (30 figs) - $16.00 USD
15ZCB-03 - British Infantry Advancing (30 figs) - $17.50 USD
We will have more releases coming soon in different ranges, so keep watching for more announcements. You can get these great new releases on the website, as well as the Old Glory Corp manufacturers-direct website: For our Old Glory Army members, your discount applies to these Blue Moon figures. You can also follow us on Facebook.