On October 6th, the Fellowship of the Ring reached Weathertop on their fateful journey to destroy the One Ring
Albert Boada designed two original projects, using Hirst Arts blocks to create a Second Age Tower of Amon Sul and the Third Age ruin of Weathertop. Albert has kindly allowed Castle Kits to offer these both as complete kits in 28mm, cast in white Hydrostone plaster.

The Tower of Amon Sul was built in the first days of the North-kingdom of Arnor, which was founded in 3320 of the Second Age. At that time, the seven palantiri were divided and placed in different parts of Gondor and Arnor. The largest and most powerful palantir in the North was kept in the Tower of Amon Sul. The Stone of Amon Sul was the chief palantir used for communicating with Gondor. The palantir was kept on a round table of black marble with a curved depression in the surface where the seeing-stone was set. [from tuckborough.net]
The kit includes all the pieces necessary to build the tower, including a new Games Workshop RTK plastic terrain kit, step-by-step instructions, tip sheet, and extra pieces. The scale is 28mm, and measures 8" across and about 18" high. $78.00 USD

Weathertop is the Third Age ruin of Amon Sul. It was here Gandalf escaped the Ring Wraiths and left a marked stone message for Aragorn. The 28mm kit includes everything you need to make the project, including extra blocks for rubble, and also includes a new Games Workshop RTK terrain kit. Step by step instructions are included along with a tip sheet. $43.00 USD
Feel free to email me any questions at imartin@castlekits.com.
Our thanks to Albert Boada and laguerradelanillo.com for his permission to offer these incredible projects as kits, and for the use of his photographs and instructions.