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Agents Arrive at Blue Moon Manufacturing

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Warbeads writes:

Also, for completeness sake, where are the French resistance fighters/spies for WW2?

And, for teh real niche palyers, the Italians? Or even the Chinese?



Areas of Interest

World War One
World War Two on the Land
Science Fiction

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Teresa of Blue Moon Manufacturing writes:

PC-08 British Agents
Secret Agent Man. Secret Agent Man. They've given you a number. And taken away your name.
PC-07 American Agents

Are you in need of a Secret Agent? Someone who can gather that much-needed information, or steal top-secret inventions, or assassinate an evil villain?

PC-06 Japanese Agents

Blue Moon Manufacturing has the answer! We have just released 6 sets of Agents which can be used in a wide variety of your gaming from Pulp through the Cold War, or anywhere your imagination takes you.

PC-05 German Agents

The 28mm Agents come in packs of 5 for $13.00 USD.

PC-04 Russian Agents
PC-03  Egyptian Agents
PC-04 Russian Agents
PC-05 German Agents
PC-06 Japanese Agents
PC-07 American Agents
PC-08 British Agents
PC-03 Egyptian Agents

As always, the Old Glory Army discount applies to Blue Moon products.

For more information