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Castle Kickstarter Update

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MajorB writes:

The "135 degree tower" is clearly NOT designed to be part of a star fort. Star forts have sloping walls to better counter artillery and the bastions (where you might find such an acute angle, as in your first picture above) have four faces rather than two. (Note that the angles are not so acute in your second picture.)

The other MBA pieces are quite good though.

The sharp corner was meant to help deflect cannon fire and diminish the kinetic damage of the shot. A concept not unlike the one used in the design of sloping armor on an AFV.

Actually, no. The vertical slope helps against cannon fire, but the angles of the bastions are designed so that every face of the fortress can be swept by defending fire.

The caption to your second picture on the Historic Cornwall web site reads:
"Star Castle, St Mary's. Each of its eight points provided oblique fire covering the ground immediately in front of the works, so that a complete blanket of fire could be achieved."

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The Miniature Building Authority writes:

Jim is hard at work in the workshop. Here are the first three items for the new Castle Kickstarter.


First is the new drawbridge.

Craig's Gate

Second is the new sally gate, which we are calling Craig's Gate. This is different than the original sally gate, as that the opening is much bigger and the inside doors will be open.


The last sneak peak is our 135° tower. This will be a great piece to add odd shapes and designs to your castle.

As more items are worked on, I will be updating you on the progress.

Don't forget that the Castle Kickstarter will be happening in March of 2014. We will have complete photos and videos of all the products as soon as we can.