Over the last few months, we've working on expanding our existing range of 28mm figures for the Thirty Years War.
- Foot packs are £8.00 GBP for eight figures.
- Mounted packs are £9.00 GBP for four figures.
- Other packs as listed.
Now online at 1stcorps.co.uk.
TYW01 Musketeers.
TYW02 Musketeers, ragged uniform firing.
TYW03 Swedish Musketeers post-Gustavus period,
winter dress in hongreline and fur hat.
TYW04 Cavalry with sword.
TYW05 Cavalry with pistol.
TYW06 Gustavus Adolphus and senior officer£6.
TYW07 Pike man, morion with long coat. At port.
TYW08 Pike man.
TYW09 Mounted command.(4 figures).
TYW10 Foot command.I (4 figures).
TYW11 Foot command II (4 figures).
TYW12 Armoured pikemen, pike upright. (ass. var.)
TYW13 Pikemen, pike upright, morion helmet. (ass. var.)
TYW14 Unarmoured pikemen, pike upright, hats. (ass. var.)
TYW15 Cuirassier, pistols.
TYW16 Cuirassier, sword.
TYW17 Cuirassier, lance.
TYW18 Cuirassier, command.
TYW19 Artillery crew I, firing (4 figures) £4.00 GBP
TYW20 Artillery crew II, loading (4 figures) £4.00 GBP
TYW21 Leather/Light gun £5.00 GBP
TYW22 Medium gun £6.00 GBP
TYW23 Heavy gun £8.00 GBP
TYW24 Limber, 2 horses and drover £8.00 GBP
TYW25 Casualties I Infantry £8.00 GBP (8 figures)
TYW26 Casualties II Cavalry £5.00 GBP (2 horses, 2 men)
TYW27 Mounted senior officers I x 2 £5.00 GBP
TYW28 Mounted senior officers II x 2 £5.00 GBP
TYW29 Bernard of Saxe-Weimar £3.00 GBP
TYW30 Gottfried Graf zu Pappenheim £3.00 GBP
TYW31 Albrecht von Wallenstein £3.00 GBP
Buildings shown in the background are from the new range produced by Total Battle Miniatures.