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15mm Tibetan Empire Released

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camelspider writes:

Sandra Garrity is a very talented sculptor!

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We are very pleased to release our 15mm Tibetan Empire miniature line, and just in time for the new Field of Glory army book, Empires of the Dragon!

Tibetan armoured cavalry

The line starts with the armoured cavalry, which were the backbone of Tibetan armies.

Tibetan cavalry dismounts

Also available are dismounts for the armoured cavalry, so they can deliver their feared longspear assault on foot.

We also have a King and a General to lead your armies; each of these is supplied with a standardbearer, who may be used with a plain pole (it has a trident at the end of it) or, more often, with a large flag. There are several good internet sources on Tibetan flags.

The King and Standardbearer are available as dismounts too, the King bearing his longspear. For the dismounted general, we supply a dismounted armoured cavalryman with longspear, and a dismounted standardbearer.

Light horse nomads

Next up are the light horse nomads fielded by the Tibetans. These are modeled on a period illustration that probably shows Tibetanized Tu Yu Hun, but other Tibetan nomads were doubtless similar.

Garrison spearmen

We also provide the infantry, very smart models of the garrison spearmen (shown), garrison archers, and Himalayan tribesmen.


Last but definitely not least, we have a tent, the first baggage element we have released! It is provided in resin and is a handsome model indeed. This can provide Bg elements in DBMM, or can be used to create your camp in FoG.

It's been a long time coming, and we hope you like the result as much as we do. Cavalry and dismounted cataphracts sculpted by Sandra Garrity; garrison and tribal foot by Darren Greenaway; tent by clibinarium. Models painted by Steve Dean.

Special thanks to Duncan Head, whose exhaustive research of the period sources, and line drawings of the troop types, were central to the creation of this line of miniatures.

Happy modeling!

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