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15mm Blue Moon Great Northern Wars & Marlburian Wars at Fall In

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Swampking writes:


Most of those figures can be adapted from the Malburian line [Brits for the infantry or Austrians or French for that matter], Saxon grenadiers wore a mitre similar to the Brits, artillery is general, the cavalry might prove a challenge depending on BMM catalogue. For the Danish cuirassiers you need some Austrian cuirassiers in tricorn and cuirass worn over the coat, the same with Saxons but with turnbacks [at least for the 1700-1706 period]. Dragoons are fairly generic, so no worries there.

The problem that you'll run into is the grenadiers for the Prussians – most regiments had grenadiers in different forms of mitred attire and the Norwegians, who wore a cap similar to a karpus, though I'm guessing Russians in pokalem could be substituted [can't remember if Blue Moon has any of these]. Also, the Norwegians employed ski troops and I think Russians in pokalem again could fill the bill, though you'll have to scratch build some skis.

Good luck

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP of Blue Moon Manufacturing writes:

We have received the rest of the Great Northern Wars and Marlburian Wars figures to complete our ranges, just in time for Fall In. The codes finished since Historicon are:

The Marlburian Wars

15MBN111  Artillery Crews (12)                      $7.00 USD
15MBN113 Dragoons in Bonnet Command (6) $7.00 USD
15MBN114 Dragoons Bonnet (15) $16.50 USD
15MBN115 Hussars with Command (15) $16.50 USD
15MBN119 French Dismounted Dragoon, bonnets
with Command (15) $7.50 USD
15MBN120 Cavalry - Breastplate under coat
in Tricorn (15) $16.50 USD
15MBG102 Light Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15MBG103 Medium Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15MBG104 Heavy Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15MBG105 Mortars (4) $5.00 USD
15MBN111 - Artillery Crews
15MBN115 - Hussars with Command
15MBG104 - Heavy Gun

Great Northern Wars


15GNS107  Swedish Artillery Crew in karpus (12)     $7.00 USD
15GNS112 Swedish Mounted Generals (6) $7.00 USD
15GNS113 Swedish Heavy Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15GNS114 Swedish Medium Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15GNS115 Swedish Light Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15GNS112 - Swedish Mounted Generals
15GNS114 - Swedish Medium Gun


15GNR110  Horse Grenadiers  (15)                    $16.50 USD
15GNR111 Artillery Crew (12) $7.00 USD
15GNR112 Dismounted Dragoons w/Cmd. (15) $7.50 USD
15GNR113 Cossacks (15) $16.50 USD
15GNR114 Russian Heavy Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15GNR115 Russian Medium Guns (2) $5.00 USD
15GNR110 - Horse Grenadiers
15GNR112 - Dismounted Dragoons w/Cmd.

These beautifully sculpted figures can be purchased from the or websites. As always, the discount applies for our Old Glory Army members.

For more information