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Eureka Miniatures' New Toy Town Releases in Time for Xmas

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yowiedemon writes:

If you put those toy soldiers and some 28mm Napoleonic infantry in front of my missus, she wouldn't know/understand the difference. They are all toy soldiers to her. "That's nice dear, now put your toys away"

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Christmas will soon be upon us, and here at Eureka we thought we would try and help fill out your Christmas stockings with some Seasonal whimsy! So - Hoist the Honey Pot and Crossbones – and sail off for adventure with our 28mm Teddy Bear Pirates, sculpted by Mike Broadbent.

28mm Teddy Bear Pirates

These are not your typical land lubber, 'Go down to the woods', picnicking type of bears – no sir! These bears like to swash their buckle and roam the four corners of the play-room looking for treasure. We have pirate captain bears; a First Mate bear, and 13 different variants of pirate bear crew. And if that is not enough to get you hauling down your colours and surrendering, we have included an intimidating-looking pirate cannon with pirate-bear crew.

Don't worry, though. The Teddy Bear Pirates will soon forget all about making you walk the plank as soon as you point out to them they can use the plank to reach the kitchen cupboard where the honey is kept. They will probably make you an honorary pirate!

And if you want something to keep those rascal Teddy Bear Pirates in order, how about some of the latest additions to our 28mm Toy Town Soldiers range? Mike Broadbent has added some more classic military 'looks' to his homage to the traditional toy maker's art - the Toy Town Soldiers range. These include soldiers in spike-topped helmets who might pass for British in Pith helmets or perhaps something a little more Teutonic, and some fine-looking Scottish fellows. As with other figures in the Toy Town Soldiers range, both the helmeted and Scottish infantry are available either marching or standing at attention, and each pose is complimented with matching command figures. We have also added an artillery piece with helmeted crew; especially important for those of you who see your helmeted infantry in a Teutonic light - as they will be in need of some support from that well-known German toy maker, Mr Krupp!

The new Toy Town cavalry take the form of some dashing lancers (or Uhlans, if you prefer), who will look very imposing when they charge off on their wheeled toy horses, lance pennants fluttering in the wind.

28mm Toy Soldiers

Here are the catalogue details for all the new models:

28mm Teddy Bear Pirates

Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent

Variants in parenthesises. Variants are supplied randomly.

100TBP01 - Teddy Bear Pirate Captain (2)
100TBP02 - Teddy Bear Pirate First Mate (1)
100TBP03 - Teddy Bear Pirate (13)
100TBP04 - Teddy Bear pirate cannon and crew – 4 crew and cannon


For a short time, you can buy a complete set of all the new releases/variants in our 28mm Teddy Bear Pirate range (20 figures + the pirate cannon) at a special discount price of $60.00 AUD* (normally $67.20 AUD*).

* Excluding shipping (and 'Goods and Services Tax' payable by Australian customers only)

28mm Toy Town Soldiers – NEW ADDITIONS

Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent

Variants in parenthesises. Variants are supplied randomly.

100TTS30 - Toy Town Soldier in helmet, at attention (1)
100TTS31 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in helmet, at attention (1)
100TTS32 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in helmet, at attention (1)
100TTS33 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in helmet, at attention (1)
100TTS34 - Toy Town Soldier in helmet, marching (1)
100TTS35 - Toy Town Soldier Officer in helmet, marching (1)
100TTS36 - Toy Town Soldier Drummer in helmet, marching (1)
100TTS37 - Toy Town Soldier Standard Bearer in helmet, marching (1)
100TTS38 - Toy Town Soldier Lancer trooper (1)
100TTS39 - Toy Town Soldier Lancer Officer (1)
100TTS40 - Toy Town Soldier Lancer Trumpeter (1)
100TTS41 - Toy Town Soldier Lancer Standard Bearer (1)
100TTS42 - Toy Town Soldier Artillery piece & four crew in helmet (1)
100TTS43 - Toy Town Soldier Scots, at attention (1)
100TTS44 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Officer, at attention (1)
100TTS45 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Piper, at attention (1)
100TTS46 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Standard Bearer, at attention (1)
100TTS47 - Toy Town Soldier Scots, marching (1)
100TTS48 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Officer, marching (1)
100TTS49 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Piper, marching (1)
100TTS50 - Toy Town Soldier Scots Standard Bearer, marching (1)


For a strictly limited time, all orders of $100.00 AUD* or more for our Toy Town Soldiers will receive a free Toy Town building block barricade (100TTS28) worth $20.00 AUD.

* Excluding shipping (and 'Goods and Services Tax' payable by Australian customers only)

All these Seasonal miniatures and many others can be ordered in the U.K. from Fighting 15s, and in North America from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A.


And as this is the season for giving – you can win a complete set of the new Toy Town Soldiers or the Teddy Bear Pirates by entering our competition. Check out our website for details, but hurry – it's only open for the next few hours!

For more information