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Space Marine Army Set New for 40K

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Grungydan writes:

Argh! "thing" in para-4 should read "think"

Which I apparantly don't do before clicking "submit". ;P

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Tim Huckelbery of GW of Games Workshop America writes:

This week sees the new Space Marine Army Set chock full of new models, and the new all-plastic Space Marine Commander!


$275.00 USD

Space Marine Army Set
Space Marine armies have immense destructive power. They are made up of warriors who know no fear and are equipped with the finest weapons the Imperium has to offer.

This army set contains 1 Commander, 1 Command Squad, 1 Special Edition Veteran Sergeant, 1 Razorback, 10 Tactical Marines, 10 Assault Marines, 6 Scouts, 1 Attack Bike & 3 Bikes.

Limited-edition figure

An awesome limited-edition Veteran Sergeant, available only in the Space Marine Army Set, can add that extra level of personality to one of your squads.

Note that like all army box sets, these are limited in number – when they sell out, they are gone!


$15.00 USD

Space Marine Commanders have led their warriors through the heat of battle for centuries with a faith and self-confidence unmatched by those of normal men. Space Marine Commanders are able to coordinate their units with almost perfect efficiency. Thus, all Space Marine squads may use the commander's Leadership for Morale, Pinning, and Leadership tests.

This multi-part boxed set contains different weapons options for customizing your Commander.


$35.00 USD

Deadly warriors of a thousand campaigns, Veteran Space Marines have access to specialized equipment such as lightning claws and skills with which they can crush the enemies of the Imperium.

This box set contains 5 Space Marine Veterans.

Want to try out new color schemes for your Space Marines? Try the new Space Marine Interactive Painter!