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Khurasan Previews 15mm Caucasian States Line

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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

If I had the French infantry and the Circassian cavalry, I could have conquered the whole world.
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Just in time for Clash of Empires, the Eastern European army book for Field of Glory Renaissance, we're very pleased to announce our newest historical line, the Caucasian States, post 1620. The line is being crafted by Mike Broadbent and has been extensively researched by us. We understand that these are listed in Clash of Empires as including Georgian, Daghestani or Chechen armies, but the list can of course also be used to make up a Circassian army, the most fearsome cavalry in the region and, according to some (including the notorious Corsican), the finest cavalry in the world.

Caucasian Cavalry Command

Caucasian Cavalry Command

Many of the Cossack feats of horsemanship and styles of dress were adopted from the Circassians as the Russians fought their long war to subject these fierce people. Many Circassians left the Caucasus after the Russian conquest and formed elite forces in other armies, most notably the Turkish, where the Circassian cavalry formed a dreaded elite. Some were even stationed and settled in Palestine and to this day form a distinct ethnic group in several villages in Israel.

Caucasian Armoured Nobles with Pistols

Caucasian Armoured Nobles with Pistols

The superb Circassian horsemanship astonished those who witnessed it, and the Cossack tricks of standing on the horse's back and shooting whilst at full gallop, or sliding to the side or underbelly of the horse while it was moving at speed, were learned from the Circassians.

Caucasian Infantry with Turkish Muskets

Caucasian Infantry with Turkish Muskets

The mixture of pistol- and bow-armed heavy cavalry is unique and unlike any other eastern cavalry army, making the Caucasian States army a unique gaming experience.

Caucasian Infantry warriors with Shashka Swords

Caucasian Infantry warriors with Shashka Swords

Other Caucasian states, such as Georgia, Daghestan and Chechnya, had troops of very similar appearance, though the Dagestanis and Chechens tended to have fewer horsemen and more infantry. Indeed, the infantry in Circassian armies were largely Daghestanis and Abghazians ("Abasgians").

Because these armies were in transition from the bow to the pistol during this period, our models will be available as both Cavalry using bows and as Horse using pistols. The pistoliers will still have the bow, as was the case with the chainmail armoured horse as late as the 19th century. There will also be unarmored horse to represent the lesser cavalry and these will have the same choices as the armoured men.

(It should be noted that the armies of the 16th and 17th centuries had not yet adopted the large furry hat and long kaftan with cartridge loops that the 19th century Circassian and Daghestani cavalry were famous for. I have been assured of this by several Circassian and Russian historians whilst doing extensive research on this army.)

The line will include:


  • Armored horse using pistols (these and all the other mounted will be breakwaist for maximum pose variation... and so they can point their bows and pistols forward!)
  • Armored horse using bows
  • Unarmored horse using pistols
  • Unarmored horse using bows
  • Command, including trick-riding character models
  • Nogai Horde nomad light cavalry horse archers


  • Abghazian/Daghestani skirmishers with Turkish muskets
  • Abghazian/Daghestani infantry with swords, some with shields
  • Abghazian/Daghestani infantry with javelins, some with shields

The bow-armed models can also be used for the period as early as the 15th century, and if there is interest we will have infantry made to suit that earlier period - for now the emphasis of this line is on the 17th century, often called the Golden Age of Circassia, and an interesting period in Georgian history as well.

The line is well underway and should be available in a month or two. Watch this space to see developments on this unique and romantic army!

(Field of Glory Renaissance and Clash of Empires (Field of Glory Renaissance) are trademarks of Slitherine Software and Osprey Publishing, their rights in same are acknowledged, and they have not endorsed these models.)