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Seleucid/Antiochus III Army Standard Preview

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SMPress writes:

"Relic Miniatures produces miniatures for the Punic and Hellenistic Wars in 28mm. 28mm defined as bottom of the foot to eye-level. Castings are in lead-free pewter to preserve detail and add stiffness."

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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RelliK of Relic Miniatures LTD writes:

Just a heads up to what is coming up for release shortly.

Army standard

There's a image head swap with another Seleucid from our range. If you want your Army Standard yelling out orders.

What you're seeing is still work in progress. Feel free to bark. The pointing hand looks large - it's a bit of perspective and actual size, so I will be reducing somewhat.

Special thanks to Gary.

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