The Italian offensive across the Egyptian border in September of 1940 quickly came to an end at Sidi Barrini. Italian forces dug in but were not prepared for the war to come. The Italian army simply was not prepared to fight a modern motorized war that an environment like the desert required. General Wavell unleashed "Operation Compass" that completely routed the Italians and set up a race between the Italians trying to escape and the British trying to "bag the lot."
With the Italian army in full retreat, only small pockets of resistance and logistical problems seemed to be slowing the British advance. A plan was conceived to cut off the Italian army's escape route south of Benghazi. To do so required cutting across Cyrenaica to Mechili, a small desert crossroads where Gen. Babini had gathered the bulk of the remaining Italian tank forces. Unknown to the British, the Italians knew they were coming and were ready for a fight.
Download the free scenario from the PANZERKORPHQ Yahoo! Group free scenarios folder. Although designed for the divisional WWII system Panzer Korps, it can be converted for use with other systems.
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