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2009: Two New Armies for AT-43

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tnjrp writes:

Number6 24 Nov 2008 5:36 p.m. PST:
"And AT-43 figs are very big – noticeably bigger than heroic 28s"

Yep, they are about a head or so taller than GW Imperial Guard and a little more naturalistic in proportions maybe so the GW guard look really short and stocky in comparison. They are rather the same size as Mongoose's Starship Troopers figs, actually.

WeeToySoldiers is still up, although it isn't updating a lot any longer, so you can have a look at a couple of comparison shots (scroll down):

As to the more pictures of the ONI troops and the non-human Cogs that are going to -- according to the plans that is -- come out late next spring, you can (pretty obviously) find them in the Cry Havoc Online newsletters from RE. Links to these can generally be found on the RE's official English language forums at least. For those who can't be bothered, here's direct links to a couple of the latest ones:
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Rackham announces:

Two new armies will be launched in 2009, honour where honour is due, the much anticipated DOTCH YAGA will be ready for combat, straight from the RED BLOCK factories, as of March 2009, with Wave 10, ready to deal death on all Ava's and Elysée's battlefields.

AT-43 figures

The COGS will fight their first battles as of wave 11. They will be followed as of Wave 15 by ONI troops, of which you've already seen numerous previews over the last weeks.

Code White

Code White, the first novel of a trilogy taking place in the AT-43 universe, will be available during the first 2009 semester, in English and in French.

For more information