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Age of Glory: Historicon Preview

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JLA105 writes:

Guess I gotta take more money to Historicon now.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo ageofglory Sponsoring Member of TMP of Age of Glory writes:

Age of Glory will be off to Historicon next week with a number of new 28mm releases since Cold Wars.


New Zealand Wars figures painted by Giles Allison

From Empress Miniatures, we have the New Zealand Wars range, featuring British and Maori figures for the 1845-46 conflict. The British figures are also suitable for other colonial conflicts of the 1840s. The British sets include civilian militia and a rocket battery, along with infantry in regular uniform. The Maori sets include warriors armed with both muskets and traditional hand weapons, as well as Chief Hone-Heke himself.

We are extending out pre-order deal for the New Zealand Wars range through Historicon - all 11 sets for $110.00 USD.

The newest releases for the Empress Miniatures Modern Combat range - four sets of regular British infantry and a set of insurgents - will also be available.

Those of you who purchase Force on Force, Road to Baghdad, or Enduring Freedom (pre-order) from us will receive a free, limited-edition U.S. sniper figure (see it here).

Finally, we have the two most recent releases for the Anglo-Zulu War range. The mounted command set includes Chelmsford, Crealock, and Nogs (Norris-Newman, the reporter for the Standard). Also, for those who simply have to have more firepower, the range now includes a Gatling gun with British Army crew.


Red Star Miniatures painted by El Mercenario

Age of Glory is now the U.S. distributor for Red Star Miniatures. We have their entire Chechen Wars range, including Russian and Chechen infantry in various combat poses. Many of the Chechen figures will serve for general insurgent types as well. You can see the full range here.

We can also fill you in on all the new Eureka releases that complement our Modern ranges.


We have our usual selection of 28mm plastics from Perry Miniatures, Warlord Games, and others, rules and books, and Xyston 15mm Ancients.


As most of you probably know, we no longer stock Perry Miniatures metals. These are now carried by our friends at Architects of War. Please be sure to stop by and see them, and ask lots of hard questions about Perry Miniatures figures. wink

Hope to see you there!

Note: See more New Zealand Wars figures painted by Giles Allison and some great information on the conflict here.

Also, see more examples of El Mercenario's work on Red Star Miniatures here.

For more information