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New Greens from Blaze Away

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Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Jimbomar, thanks for the information. I was informed by a very knowlegeable Australian military historian that the northern tribes of Native Australians were annoyed/insulted to be called 'Koori' because it referred specifically to a faraway tribe, not to them.

Areas of Interest

18th Century
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land

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4,568 hits since 19 Jul 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The Blaze Away Mob of Blaze Away Miniatures & Models writes:

Our sculptor has been working away on some new goodies. They turned out so nicely, we decided to share them with you all.

28mm Tuareg Camel Riders

Tuareg Camel Riders

28mm Camel Train

Camel Train

(guide included but not pictured)

Prices and availability yet to be confirmed. Camels by Ebob Miniatures.

We also have new Berber/Tuareg sets that are close to release. We've been working on other projects too, so expect some more news from us during the year...

For more information