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Perry: Sudan Update

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mjkerner writes:

Hair styles, for starters.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Michael Perry of Perry Miniatures writes:

Mike in the Shabaluka Gorge, north of Khartoum

We happy to announce that esteemed author Lt. Col. Mike Snook will be signing copies of his acclaimed book Go Strong into the Desert at our stand (TG 12) at Salute this year.

Go Strong into the Desert

So if you would like his monogram on this book, he will be there at 12:00, 14:00 and 15:30. I'd imagine he also sign any of his other magnificent works (How Can Man Die Better - the Secrets of Isandlwana Revealed; Like Wolves on the Fold - The Defence of Rorke's Drift; and Into the Jaws of Death - British Military Blunders 1879-1900) if you were to bring them along!

Fuzzy Wuzzy cover

The plastic Sudanese Tribesmen will be ready for July this year. Sorry about the delay, but that was down to me not quite finishing the command in time to get them in the queue for tooling earlier.


There will be 44 in the box, and they can be put together as early- or late-war Bija (Fuzzy Wuzzies), Kordorfani tribesmen, or Nile Arabs.

North American Store

Not really Sudan, but we should also have another plastic box, apart from the Prussians, out at Salute - a 1:56 scale (28mm) North American Store 1800-1900. Aimed at the ACW/Wild West, it's a multi-part kit based on the previous Farmhouse (RPB 1), and includes twelve barrels. It will be available from us and our chums Renedra at the show, and will cost £15.00 GBP.